Counselor resources

Atomic Habits For Higher Ed Counselors

High school counselors can benefit from applying Atomic Habits principles during the intense college application season, reducing stress and managing workload effectively.

Cherilynn Tan
March 28, 2024
2 min
Atomic Habits For Higher Ed Counselors
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Atomic Habits For Higher Ed Counselors

Adapting the principles from Atomic Habits by James Clear can be particularly beneficial for high school counselors during the peak college application season, a period marked by increased workload and stress. Here’s how counselors can apply these insights to manage their responsibilities more effectively during this busy time:

1. Incremental improvement in workflow: Counselors can focus on improving their efficiency by just 1% each day during the application season. This might involve streamlining communication with students through scheduled emails or setting specific times for college application workshops. For example, spending a few minutes at the end of each day to organize the next day’s tasks can significantly enhance productivity over the application season.

2. Optimize the environment for efficiency: During peak application season, the physical and digital workspace of a counselor becomes critically important. To minimize distractions and increase efficiency, counselors might rearrange their office for quick access to frequently needed resources or use digital tools to keep track of application deadlines and student progress. For instance, creating a dedicated folder on their computer for each college application material can save precious time.

3. Adopt the identity of a peak season navigator: Counselors can benefit from viewing themselves as experts in navigating the application season chaos. This identity shift can inspire behaviors like being proactive in addressing student concerns, organizing application materials meticulously, and staying updated on college admission processes. Identifying as someone who thrives during this busy time can transform the experience from stressful to empowering.

4. Apply the Two-Minute Rule to start tasks: The overwhelming number of tasks during the application season can lead to procrastination. By applying the Two-Minute Rule, counselors can break down tasks into smaller, more manageable actions. For example, starting a letter of recommendation with just a few bullet points about the student’s strengths can lead to more significant progress than waiting for a large block of uninterrupted time.

5. Track progress and adjust strategies: Keeping a close eye on the progress of applications and student engagements can help counselors stay on top of their workload. They might track how many applications have been completed and submitted each week and reflect on the effectiveness of their counseling sessions. This ongoing monitoring allows for adjustments in strategies, such as allocating more time to students who need additional support or streamlining application review processes.

By adopting these habit-forming strategies during the peak application season, high school counselors can enhance their ability to manage their workload effectively, support their students more efficiently, and maintain their well-being amidst the chaos. This approach not only helps in surviving the application season but in thriving through it, setting a positive example for students on handling high-pressure situations with grace and efficiency.

*Adapted from Atomic Habits by James Clear

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